Please Visit These fine establishments
Publyk House Restaurant, Bennington, VT www.thepublykhouse.com
Elm Street Market and Deli, Bennington, VT www.esmbennington.com
Raven's Den Steakhouse, Manchester, VT www.ravensdensteakhouse.com
Society House Restaurant, Manchester, VT www.socialhousevt.com
Bistro Henry Restaurant, Manchester, VT www.bistrohenry.com
Union Underground GastroPub, Manchester Ctr, VT www.unionundergroundvt.com
Barrows House Inn and Restaurant, Dorset, VT www.barrowshouse.com
Mount Anthony Country Club, Bennington, VT www.mtanthonycc.com
The Copper Grouse Restaurant, Manchester Ctr, VT www.coppergrouse.com
Dorset Inn, Dorset, VT, www.dorsetinn.com
Depot Street Burgers, Manchester, VT www.depotstreetburgers.com
The Blue Benn Diner, Bennington, VT www.facebook.com/Blue-Benn-Diner